Romin Marajab ‘09
Project Title: Teaching English in a Fun Way
Project Location: Khishtkhona village, Asht region
$500 in 2015 Central Asia FLEX-Ability Grants

001_Romin is talking about his hos family that they took him to Hear Again company to help him for receiving hearing aidOn 5-6 September Romin Marajab’09 and Mirzomubin Hakimov’07 conducted a seminar for 20 English language teachers from Asht region, Tajikistan.  During the seminar the FLEX alumni presented various creative ways of teaching English focusing on the importance of games and fun activities.

The alumni talked about their FLEX experiences and described teaching methods which were practised in their American schools.  They encouraged the seminar participants to apply to the U.S.-government funded program for teachers TEA and highlighted other professional and academic opportunities.

016_A memory with the group of project participants - CopyBeing an English language teacher, the project organizer Romin Marajab also shared some success stories of his students. One of his main achievements is developing English skills of Masudi Masum who later became a FLEX finalist and is currently studying in Massachusets.

Romin plans to continue promoting international exchange and English learning by organizing future seminars and events for teachers in his community.