Project Organizer: Dana Kassymbayeva ’15
Event Location: Astana, Kazakhstan
$113 in FLEX Alumni GYSD Matching Grant Funding
$126 cost share from: the American Corner in Astana

Dana Kassymbayeva ’15 conducted the volunteering seminar Pure Heart for 28 high school students at the American Corner in Astana. The American Corner provided the venue for free.

During the seminar she introduced participants to various community service opportunities that were available in Kazakhstan and described her volunteering experiences in the U.S. The students created portraits of an ideal volunteer and discussed ways of being useful to their communities.Dana Kassymbayeva - first group is presenting their view of volunteering

‘Volunteering is not common in our society and through my project I wanted to show students its benefits. The great thing about it is that you can make friends and do fun activities while helping others!’ says Dana.

The seminar motivated students to get involved in community service work and they are now planning to volunteer at a local orphanage.