Project Organizer: Zorana Dulovic ’15
Event Location: Mojkovac, Montenegro
$ 326 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ 360 cost share from: FLEX alumni and local volunteers

Zorana Dulovic - 13106615_1754900898080366_1850552934_o (1)‘We organised our project ‘Educate Today, Implement Tomorrow’ for students in Mojkovac because there aren’t many volunteering opportunities in the north of the country and it’s especially important to promote civic activism there,’ says Zorana Dulovic ’15.

On April 2-3 she teamed up with three other FLEX alumni to conduct a workshop about volunteering, human rights and environmental protection for 15 high school students. The project was hosted for free in a local hotel which is owned by the FLEX alumna.

Zorana Dulovic - 13064057_1754901128080343_1823369837_oAfter a few interactive and engaging presentations made by the FLEX alumni the participants worked on a range of creative tasks in groups. On the second day the students had a chance to give back to the community by cleaning up a picturesque area near a river.

The project was covered on a FLEX Alumni Montenegro Facebook page. The organizers are now planning a reunion where they will asses their GYSD project and discuss future joint initiatives.