Project Organizer: Vadim Absatarov ’15
Event Location: Karaganda, Kazakhstan
$ 150 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ 150 cost share from: NIS school in Karaganda, photographer Dalila Ibragimova, volunteers, FLEX alumni

vadim-absatarov---flex-alumni- (1)To introduce students from his high school to debating and spread the values of volunteering and social activism, on 22-23 April Vadim Absatarov ’15 and Diana Seitova ’15 conducted a two-day debate tournament in Nazarbayev Intellectual School (or NIS) in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. In total twenty students took part in the project. The topic which had been chosen by the FLEX alumni three weeks before the event was ‘Five-Day School Week – Pros and Cons’. Vadim invited his friend with experience in debating to help facilitate the event.

After the tournament each participant received a memorable photo. The project was greatly appreciated by the participants and at the moment the students are planning to organize another debate tournament in summer.