Project Organizer: Bojana Todorovic ’15
Event Location: Subotica, Serbia
$ 50 in FLEX Alumni GYSD Matching Grant Funding
$ cost share from: the Open University

Bojana Todorovic - 13090736_1184400961584580_1513254788_o (1)On 22 April Bojana Todorovic ’15 conducted the first anti-corruption training for 25 students in Subotica, Serbia. The event took place at the Open University which provided a conference room for a nominal fee. The goal of the project was to pass the anti-corruption knowledge received at the Eastern Europe FLEX-Ability Workshop to the local youth.

During the event the participants defined the term ‘corruption’, highlighted the negative impact of corruption and discussed ways to prevent and fight it in their society. They also came up with their own initiative ideas promoting anti-corruption work.

The alumni plans to continue raising awareness of the topic by organizing another youth training in summer.