Project Organizer: Jelena Karlica ’11
Event Location: Novi Sad, Serbia
$ 13 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ cost share from: American Corner in Novi Sad

13006484_10206578199353167_2844504758157998103_nOn April 15 and 22 Jelena Karlica ’11 and Stefan Panic ’11 conducted two do-it-yourself (DIY) workshops for 15 local children at the American Corner in Novi Sad, Serbia. The venue for the project was provided for free.

During the workshops the participants made crafts based on their own ideas and learnt about DIY 3D hologram projects. Since the aim of the project was to teach the participants about the importance of environmental protection through art, all the cratfs were made out of recycled materials.

‘The participants were very creative. They made pencil and candle holders out of old glasses and decorated them beautifully. Through these workshops they realized that in order to make crafts you don’t necessarily need to do a lot of shopping,’ says Jelena.