Project Organizer: Mariia Donets ’15
Event Location: Odesa, Ukraine
$ 130 in FLEX Alumni Grant Funding
$ 130 cost share from: Impact Hub Odessa, healthy eating trainer Ulyana Karpenko, FLEX alumni

Mariia Donets - FLEX Alumni GYSD DONETS'15 from healthy eating workshop (3)‘Many young people all over the world and also in Ukraine are affected by the media’s portrayal of a ‘perfect’ body image. But instead of eating healthily, they try to lose weight quickly and damage their health. On the other hand, obesity remains a big problem as many wrongly believe that healthy nutrition is too expensive,’ says Mariia Donets ’15.

To promote healthy eating and teach young people how to cook easy and nutritional meals, on April 15 the FLEX alumna organized an educational workshop which consisted of a lecture and a cooking class. The workshop was attended by 15 participants who were selected based on their online applications. The main project partner Impact Hub Odessa provided a free venue and cooking facilities.

Mariia Donets - FLEX Alumni GYSD DONETS'15 cooking healthy foodIn the course of the workshop a guest speaker and an author of a healthy living program Ulyana Karpenko taught young people how to quickly prepare simple healthy meals and how to introduce healthy habits to busy lives. After the lecture the participants prepared tasty salads and smoothies which were light and filling.

The organizers encouraged the participants to promote the ideas of healthy living and balanced nutrition among their family members and peers and on social media.

‘The event has had a big impact on the community as all the participants got back to us with additional questions about healthy diet afterwards. That’s why we are hoping to organize a follow-up event involving more young people soon,’ says Mariia.